- UltraLow maintenance and less topping-up
- PESeparator – Low electrical resistance, minimal self discharging & high porosity
- CellPartition welded with short electrical path for low internal resistance
- 99.9%Pure Lead
- Full Capacity/ True AH Output •100% Factory charged battery • Low self discharge
- Heavy duty terminal •Ceramic Water level
- Excellentpartial state of Charge (PSOC) Performance
- High Efficiency grid design mode of selenium / Low antimony alloy with grain refiners for low water loss, least corrosion long life management system with micro porouswent plugs for least environmental pollution
- Rugged anti-corrosive addictive for longer battery life
- computerized formation for uniform quality and peak performance
- container made of PP Co-polymer for strength & robustness
- More ribs on containers for better strength •Batteries are designed to operate in partial charged conditions even in the non sunny days